Seminario: BlockChain – Data and Money – 16 Dicembre ore 09:00
Seminario: BlockChain – Data and Money
Data: Venerdì 16 Dicembre 2016, ore 9.00
Luogo: Aula seminari, V° Piano DIMES – UNICAL
Il Polo di Innovazione ICT Calabria organizza il seminario “BlockChain – Data and Money”. Il Relatore è Paolo Tasca, Direttore del Research Centre for Blockchain Technologies dell’University College London.
NOTE BIOGRAFICHE: Paolo Tasca is a FinTech economist specialising in P2P Financial Systems and Systemic Risk. He is the co-author of the “FINTECH Book” and the co-editor of the book “Banking Beyond Banks and Money”. A former senior research economist at Deutsche Bundesbank, Paolo is now consulting different international organizations including the EU Parliament on blockchain technologies. Paolo is also a Research Fellow at CFS, Goethe University and a Research Associate at the Systemic Risk Centre of the LSE. He holds an M.A in Politics and Economics (summa cum laude) from the University of Padua and a M.Sc. in Economics and Finance from Ca’ Foscari, Venice. He did his PhD studies in Business between Ca’ Foscari Venice and ETH, Zürich.
Polo di Innovazione ICT Calabria
Piazza Vermicelli, Polo Tecnologico Unical – 87036 Rende (CS)
Per informazioni:, Tel. 0984-492780 int. 12
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